There are different terms to describe the speeds (or gaits) that horses run. For western, the speeds are called walk, jog, lope, and gallop. The walk is the slowest and the gallop is a full-out run. A jog is just as it sounds- a really slow run.
For English style, the gaits are walk, trot, canter, and gallop. The speeds are basically the same as western. However, English is normally faster-paced than western.
One area of showing is driving the cart. Driving also has a different set of terms for the gaits. The terms are walk, park gait, and road gait. A horse is never to canter (or lope) while pulling a cart. The park gait is a slower trot, perhaps the speed one would go while taking a stroll in the park. The road gate is a fast trot because a horse would need to go faster on the road.
Basically, there are numerous terms for the same gaits that a horse has. It just depends on what field you are in to what terms you will use.
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